Cannabis Strains for Inflammation

jars of cannabis strains for inflammation

When testing out different medications and methods to treat inflammation, cannabis isn’t usually someone’s first thought. Cannabis strains might not be everyone’s go-to when they’re experiencing pain, and maybe it’s not yours either.

Over 700 strains of cannabis have been established as viable treatment options for mental and physical health purposes, mood or energy boosters, long term cognitive function, or just pure enjoyment. All of the cannabis strains with the crazy names were crossed with the two main types of cannabis strains- sativa and indica. Sativa produces energizing effects while indica generates relaxation. A “hybrid” contains a mixture of the two types of cannabis, sativa and indica. The creation process begins with cross-mixing, producing strains such as Cannatonic, ACDC, Harlequin, Girl Scout Cookies, Charlotte’s Web, and White Widow.


What Kind of Pain Are You Feeling?

First and foremost, you have to identify the type of pain you’re experiencing in order to help determine how to properly treat it. Finding the most suitable cannabis strains for inflammation can be tricky if you’re unaware of what exactly you’re looking to treat. When deciding which strain will be best, you must first assess your inflammation and symptoms. 

The severity of your symptoms will dictate the strength or quantity of cannabis you use. Of course, you should always consult with a physician who is sensitively trained in treating pain or chronic pain with medical marijuana.  No advice from any website should ever replace a doctor’s opinion when it comes to medical needs. Someone with more intense symptoms will more than likely use a higher dose or even a stronger, more potent strain. With all these strains to choose from, it’s important to know what properties are in each one before you move forward with choosing the appropriate strain for your medical needs.

Acute vs Chronic Inflammation

Inflammatory pain, which is a type of nociceptive pain, is the result and reaction of tissue damage in the body. Nociceptive pain is a very broad term as it includes arthritis pain, sprains, bruises, inflammation, bumps, fractures to the bones, etc. There are two types of inflammation: acute and chronic inflammation.

Acute inflammation is the swelling, redness, heat, immobility, and pain that take place as a reaction to tissue damage. All of these symptoms take place typically to speed up the healing process after the injury. While acute inflammation is typically a short-term affair, chronic inflammation is quite the opposite.

Chronic inflammation is what begins to occur as this response (acute inflammation) lingers. This is developed either when the body refuses to submit to its healing process or the initial symptoms weren’t properly treated. This type of inflammatory pain includes symptoms such as fatigue, rashes, body pain, weight gain/loss, mental health issues (depression, anxiety, mood swings), diarrhea, recurring infections, etc. If left untreated, severe medical conditions may follow.

Anti-Inflammatory Cannabis Strains

Cannabis that is high in CBDa and THCa are excellent strains for inflammation pain. CBDa (Cannabidiolic acid) can be defined as the acidic form of CBD. THCa (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) is the non-psychoactive and acidic form of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

I’ve sourced some of the best-known cannabis strains for inflammation below: 


Cannatonic is a CBD-dominant hybrid strain which was created by the cross-mixing of MK Ultra and G13 Haze, both strains that treat chronic pain. In being one of the appointed strains for inflammation, the effects of the Cannatonic strain is a rather brief, relaxed high that is also ideally rejuvenating. People commonly use it to treat severe headaches, anxiety, muscle spasms, chronic pain, epilepsy, and seizures. 


ACDC is a sativa-dominant strain that is a well-known, safe option for medicinal users due to its low levels of THC. This strain is a phenotype deriving from the famous Cannatonic strain. ACDC does not compose a thrilling high but rather a relaxing effect. While primarily used for medicinal reasons, it’s notorious for treating symptoms of chronic pain, reducing anxiety and stress. 


Harlequin is another sativa-dominant hybrid strain and is most effective for treating anxiety and pain as well as depression and headaches. With a steady balance of CBD and THC, this strain is a cross-mix of Nepali indica, Colombian Gold, Swiss sativa, and Thai sativa origins. Relating to anti-inflammatory effects, consumers have mentioned that Harlequin has been beneficial for arthritis pain. The effects of the Harlequin cannabis strain can include mood boosting, better focus, and can produce a mental release without the drowsiness. 

Girl Scout Cookies

Girl Scout Cookies is a sweet-tasting, Indica-dominant hybrid strain with higher levels of THC for more euphoric effects. It’s a cross-mix of Durban Poison and OG Kush, making it known as one of the most popular strains worldwide. Due to high levels of THC, GSC recommends even experienced consumers take small servings when first testing it out. Girl Scout Cookies is another popular cannabis strain for inflammation and relieving intense body pain. 

Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web is a CBD-dominant hemp cultivar, specializing in health and wellness with its earthy aroma. The Stanley Brothers of Colorado created and named it in honor of Charlotte Figi, a young girl who suffered a rare seizure disorder “Dravet Syndrome”. No medication could contain or stop her seizures, which opened her family up to testing out this CBD-dominant strain. After Charlotte began taking the CBD oil, there was a sharp decline in seizures. She began to play, eat and make connections like she hadn’t before. Consumers have stated they’ve felt more motivated, cheerful, and concentrated after intake. 

White Widow

White Widow is a sativa-dominant hybrid strain and has been around for about two decades. This euphoric, Dutch strain has a lot of favorable effects including a boost in creativity, energy and mood. It may alleviate chronic pain, migraines/headaches, PTSD, depression, stress, and bipolar disorder. White Widow is a very potent strain which is why you should be cautious when consuming. 


When ingesting any strain of cannabis it’s recommended that it be done in moderation. Each and every strain will hit and affect you differently. Strains containing higher CBD levels like Harlequin, ACDC, and Charlotte’s Web are going to be a beginner’s best option and technique for relaxation and relief. THC-dominant strains including White Widow and Girl Scout Cookies will be more of a favorable alternative for the experienced cannabis user. The five names listed above are only a handful of the best cannabis strains for inflammation. 






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