Scientology Forgets the Pesky Science


Scientology’s Kirstie Alley goes full reefer madness to an engaged Tucker Carlson.

Kirstie Alley has a storied Hollywood history of talent. The Emmy winner took the reigns at “Cheers” decades ago and largely saved what became TV history. The beloved series still runs today finding new audiences with passing generations. She also has a long history of erratic behavior. Her fluctuating weight has been tabloid fodder for generations, as has her cocaine addiction. It’s a cliched Hollywood tale of the temperamental actress, struggling in their decaying mansion. Hollywood is nothing if not disingenuous and while she is consistently embraced, she is also talked about in stage-whisper gossip. What’s the palace intrigue consensus? The general tone seems to be “she’s nuts”. Could very well be, her off-screen antics and outspoken opinions make that claim hard to disprove.

Alley is a dedicated Scientologist. A devotee to L. Ron Hubbard and his controversial dogma, Alley credits arresting her cocaine addiction to the suspect Narconon program that is a thinly veiled game of three-card Monty. It is widely known the program is run by the church of Scientology but they seem to make efforts to conceal the affiliation. That’s immediately eyebrow-raising. Why not just embrace the wisdom of their stated messiah, L Ron Hubbard? While it is easy to dismiss the teachings of Narconon as quackery, it’s often done so by people who believe a stockbroker in the 30s was the midwife of God’s will to help alcoholics. It also seems people who believe a virgin gave birth to God have much to say about the faith-based Narconon program. Is it nuts? It is. Is devotion to 1930s folklore and thinking a virgin gave birth to God nuts? Yea, that’s nuts too. The truth is, we’re all nuts but whatever works for any individual is great. Where Scientology takes a sharp left is the coercive nature of it and the dangerous practices including hours in a sauna sweating out toxins and high levels of niacin, protocols developed by a science fiction writer who lived on a boat to avoid paying taxes. Seems like odd qualifications to treat a complex malady like addiction.



Narconon got Kirstie Alley sober or so she claims and that’s great. What isn’t great is the arrogance with which Alley takes to her soapbox about things she knows nothing about.
A few days ago, Alley had a sit down with drug warrior cum hypocrite, Tucker Carlson about a few traditional conservative talking points. The usual tired themes about media conspiracy and plots again conservatives ensued in Carlson’s talk show. Alley went on to full throttle reefer madness. The L. Ron Hubbard devotee let Carlson and his audience know “marijuana is still a gateway drug”. Who better to take advice about drugs than someone with Alley’s history and training? The “gateway” theory was always moralistic pop culture, it was never driven by science. There isn’t evidence to support use of one drug causes use of another drug. So while “gateway” is great stuff for the DARE program and scotch drinking moralistic judgers, it’s not supported by science, logic, or common sense.

Carlson sat and listened with his signature look of “confused rodent” nodding in support and agreement with Alley’s absurd message. Interestingly, the Fox News policy is mostly how Hollywood people are part of the vast conspiracy against them, not so of gun lovers and drug warriors. There are a few caveats with the disdain of Hollywood types. To what end does this all boil down? Not much, really. Nobody cares much about what Kirstie Alley has to say and anyone who looks to her for health advice deserves the advice they get. It’s more like a gnat in your ear where this utter nonsense just won’t seem to die no matter how many times you try to slap it.

As states fall like dominoes to varying forms of legal sale and distribution, it may well serve the Fox News set to enter the reality of cannabis. Consistency wouldn’t be the worst idea either. While Carlson crows about his individual freedom regarding vaccination and mask-wearing, he still chest-pounds that cannabis use is a government decision worthy of incarceration. Whatever the decision regarding cannabis, the information shouldn’t be lies from an actress advocating for a treatment program steeped in science fiction, literally, in science fiction. Any time, Tucker, let’s spar. Bring Kirstie along for moral support, summon L. Ron Hubbard for divine guidance. Prove me wrong, I can take it.

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