If you are looking for help, please visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
To search for drug and alcohol treatment centers
To search for behavioral health treatment centers
To search for an MAT physician or program
To search for an opioid treatment program
What is Cali Sober?
Ask five people and you’ll get five different answers. Cali Sober is generally used in a derogatory way to describe an individual who was once part of a 12-step or abstinence-based program, but has since grown into ‘dabbling’ with mind-altering substances. From a quick search, most people online have a muddied definition with a few key consistencies for Cali Sober. Many think Cali Sober means drinking on the weekends, some believe it is using cannabis and drinking, others cannabis and psychedelics. At this point, we’re not so sure what Cali Sober really means.
What is Cali Clean?
An individual in recovery from a drug addiction or alcoholism, who has consciously decided to recreationally use cannabis.
You are not alone. If you or a loved one is struggling with an addiction that is unmanageable and you are ready to enjoy life again, we encourage you to seek out the first national Cali Clean support meeting. You belong.
Cali Clean happens every Thursday night at 7:30pm PST in Los Angeles, members and prospective members are invited to join in-person, or via Zoom. Cali Sober/Cali Clean self-identifying members are all welcome, this is an open meeting to all.