Chuck Schumer gets blunt at NYC Cannabis rally

Senate Leader Chuck Schumer

The senate majority leader indicts the drug war and signals big changes in near future.

Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer (D, NY) addressed legalization supporters at a rally in NYC on Saturday. Touting the recent victory of making Schumer’s home state a legal state, Schumer promised reform and an end to prohibition at the federal level. “What we have accomplished in NY is just the beginning, we’re going to transfer that energy to Washington” said Schumer. Largely focusing on the damage of the war on drugs, Schumer spoke about the inequitable application of cannabis laws, calling them “bigoted”. Schumer continued his take by emphasizing the need to incorporate the hardest hit by the drug war in any federal legislation. In a tweet, Schumer called the drug war “a war on people” and spoke of the potential entrepreneurs have to develop communities of color.

Also speaking at the rally, NY attorney General, Leticia James said “We must make sure this new industry includes everyone, especially communities of color”. Schumer has signaled in recent months that he will put comprehensive legislation on the floor of the senate. Working with Cory Booker (D, NJ) and Ron Wyden (D, Oregon), Schumer seems to think he has the votes and the bipartisan support it would take. “Did you see what happened in South Dakota? Hardly a liberal bastion, they voted to legalize” Said, Schumer. The senator seemed to forget that the Governor of South Dakota is attempting to block the will of the voters on “moral grounds”.

Time will tell if NY can lead the way into a new era in America but the very idea of the senate majority leader speaking at a pro cannabis rally is, at minimum, a massive cultural shift. Schumer is from the “tough on crime” generation. That rhetoric is now replaced with talk of expunging records and issuing distribution licenses to the formally incarcerated. Light it up, Senator.

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